Coffee Review: Coffee & Movie Magic ☕️🎬 Drip Eggo Coffee – Maple Syrup Capsule / K-Cup / Pod W

Coffee Lover

Lizzardicus Spork
I drink all ☕️ w/ Sweet Cream creamer

My favorite coffee & viewing combination is having The Weather Channel on during morning coffee while on my couch with my laptop on a tray-table (not in photo) catching up on email. My daily morning routine!
☕️ The Coffee: Eggo Maple Syrup Waffle flavored coffee ☕️ The Foam: Italian Sweet Crème with Chocolate Sea-Salt Caramel seasoning & Cheesecake seasoning ☕️

Eggo Coffee – Maple Syrup
Coffee brand
Drip | Capsule / K-Cup / Pod

My favorite coffee & viewing combination is having The Weather Channel on during morning coffee while on my couch with my laptop on a tray-table (not in photo) catching up on email. My daily morning routine!
☕️ The Coffee: Eggo Maple Syrup Waffle flavored coffee ☕️ The Foam: Italian Sweet Crème with Chocolate Sea-Salt Caramel seasoning & Cheesecake seasoning ☕️

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