Coffee Review: Clever Dripper Whole Bean Broadcast Coffee Roasters Breaker One 9

Coffee Lover

Brian Dieckman
Coffee Lover

First coffee from Bean Box. Used recipe recommended by Broadcast Coffee for french press in my Cleverade a slightly weak and bright cup. Ground a bit finer instead (7 on my Chestnut S3) and got the promised peanut brittle flavor and a bit more of a roasty flavor which I prefer. It's a decent medium roast that would be a good daily drinker. Not offensive in any way, really.

Breaker One 9
Coffee brand
Clever Dripper | Whole Bean

First coffee from Bean Box. Used recipe recommended by Broadcast Coffee for french press in my Cleverade a slightly weak and bright cup. Ground a bit finer instead (7 on my Chestnut S3) and got the promised peanut brittle flavor and a bit more of a roasty flavor which I prefer. It’s a decent medium roast that would be a good daily drinker. Not offensive in any way, really.

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