Column: Understanding Brazil’s Dual Influence on the Global Coffee Market
[Publisher’s note: This is Part 1 of a short series of stories by guest author Jonas Ferraresso exploring some of the intricacies of the Brazilian coffee market and Brazil’s outsize…… read more
Weekly Coffee News: Brazil Research Farm in Danger + La Marzocco and Mohlkönig Sync
Welcome to DCN’s Weekly Coffee News! Subscribe here for all the latest coffee industry news. Also, check out the latest career opportunities at São Paolo Government Considering Selling Key Research Farmland in…… read more
Find Coffee Industry Jobs On Sprudge Jobs
The coffee industry’s leading jobs resource page…. read more
Coffee News Recap, 8 Nov: SCA officially adopts new cupping standards, coffee futures start the month low & other stories
Every Friday, Perfect Daily Grind rounds up the top coffee industry news from the week.
Editor’s note
The trend of acquisitions in the coffee industry continues to show no signs of slowing down. Shortly after buying the independent coffee brand 200 Degrees, Caffè Nero Group announced this week that it has also acquired FCB Coffee, bolstering its presence in the UK travel and transport sector.
In a similar move, Italian coffee equipment companies Carimali, Elektra, Heylo, and Bellezza h… read more
Good Grief! Onyx Coffee Lab & The Peanuts Is The Holiday Themed Collab You Need In Your Life
I can’t stand it! The collab is too good…. read more