Coffee Review: Caramel Me Crazy Drip Wekiwa Springs Dunkin’ Ground coffee Coffee & Cozy Moments

Coffee Lover

Lizzardicus Spork
I drink all ☕️ w/ Sweet Cream creamer

This is my

Caramel Me Crazy
Coffee brand
Drip | Ground coffee

This is my “cozy corner” in my room…
Couch with “Cathulhu” (Cthulhu) throw blanket & tropical/beach theme pillows…
Laptop work station on a tray table…
My 7 shelf library of books, candles & knickknacks…
Shelf of snacks…
Shelves on the wall hold various display books, collector items, some games, and my “Zen shelf” with candles, Incense related items & lava lamps…
Also have some artwork pieces on the wall.

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