Coffee Review: Espresso Ate Cecili’s Kapé Montreal Whole Bean Kapé Phillipine Coffee

Coffee Lover

Damyan Edwards
Coffee Lover

Advent Day 17 - This delicious Filipino coffee has a wave of Raspberry aromas when you open the bag. Then, the notes include Raspberry compote, orange, cocoa and a cherry Blossom floral. Really interesting flavors. It really bloomed as a Lungo, a bit difficult to dial in the first go.

Ate Cecili’s Kapé
Coffee brand
Espresso | Whole Bean

Advent Day 17 – This delicious Filipino coffee has a wave of Raspberry aromas when you open the bag. Then, the notes include Raspberry compote, orange, cocoa and a cherry Blossom floral. Really interesting flavors. It really bloomed as a Lungo, a bit difficult to dial in the first go.