Coffee Review: Exceptional Coffee Blends. | ObGyMlRbShae7TYFnxCe

Coffee Lover

Coffee Lover

It’s bad enough that we had to break up,
But did you have to take my favourite cup.

You know the one with the chip in the rim,
The writing is faded and it now it says “GRIN”

It used to say MERRY GRINCHMAS,
You brought if for me one year for Christmas.

I used that cup every day for 15 years,
I filled it with coffee, laughter and tears.

You only saw it as a novelty cup,
But for me it was always my pick me up.

It reminded me every day of what to do,
It reminded me every day of lovely you.

But you left and you must have packed it up,
Please can you bring back my favourite cup.

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