Coffee Review: Christmas Blend Starbucks Starbucks Moka Pot Ground coffee

Coffee Lover

Annie Morand
Coffee Lover

2019 Starbucks' Christmas Blend (Smokey and Velvety, yummy Dark Roast) brewed in my GROSCHE Moka Pot and drunk from my NEW Grumpy Cat Christmas Mug :D

Mmm Life is good this morning !!! He look SO Happy there, in the Sun hehehe

Christmas Blend
Coffee brand
Moka Pot | Ground coffee

2019 Starbucks’ Christmas Blend (Smokey and Velvety, yummy Dark Roast) brewed in my GROSCHE Moka Pot and drunk from my NEW Grumpy Cat Christmas Mug 😀

Mmm Life is good this morning !!! He look SO Happy there, in the Sun hehehe

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